Wednesday, September 5, 2007

somehow I ended up here in between

i've been soo soo busy lately. we went to a party at nick and stephs on sunday, followed by a night of camping with jerry and heather. i much prefered the camping, actually. that monday morning, we all went out for breakfast at vansons. upon going home, we all fell asleep and slept the day away until we scrambled to make it to john's birthday dinner. yesterday i don't even remember. i know i tried to get a lot of cleaning and work done, but it just flew by.

today i had therapy. whoo. i'm liking my therapist less than i thought i did. i also worked a lot. and i also danced like a retard, and i continue to try. i plan on being up late and reading a lot. i'm having lasik done in the morning, and i'll have to rest my eyes (very similar to how your grandpa would) for the weekend. i'm not nervous yet. i don't know when i'll post again.

yay for manips! boo for working hard for nothing.

title: the lyric in amy's head

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