*wiggles eyebrows*
some of you may know that i've been busy with family and things lately. i was gone for a few days in pymatuning, and out of 23 people, i was the only one entirely unaffected by a nasty stomach virus that went through, in and right back out of everyone there. poor vomiting sick people. maybe it's because i'm vegan. maybe it's the noni and acv. i was more than exposed. i expected to be one of the next to get sick, but it never came.
you can infect someone. today, i'd like to announce patrick has taken the final step to becoming completely straightedge, and he too is a new vegetarian and doing well. i'm proud of him. look at how much you can change. let's be amazing. they don't shine like us.
i just heard word that joshua's conditional release went through. this is fantastic news, and all of you out on the east coast, i'll be coming to visit while he's in maryland for his 5 month training.
oh, and our fifth wedding anniversary was this saturday. sometimes i feel that we've hardly known each other that long, but then i look at what we've built together.
title: audioslave - bring em back alive
yah yah yah for josh! exclamation points abound. we shall call soon. and apparently i cant IM and surf web at the same time. : ( so i'll have to get back on there instead of always just surfing. very lame. i think i just need a bigger computer. love sarah
*SQUEE!!!* YOU'LL BE ON THE EAST COAST! You've got to tell me when that'll be 'cause Maryland is only like...4-5 hours away from me. Well, DC is 4 hours at most and Maryland is right there depending on what part you'll be in. EXCITEMENT!
Yeah. This is Jen, fucking forgot my stupid password and am too lazy to look it up. Heh.
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