Wednesday, December 19, 2007

...if i only had a brain

so it took me 6 tries to log into my blog today. my memory is getting worse and worse.

i found this website where you can buy a poster about our water footprints. basically, it shows the virtual water use of certain things, like cheese, beef, grain, apples and oranges. on the reverse side it shows water footprints by country.

those of you that argue with me about watering plants vs. watering cattle, take THAT.

Friday, December 14, 2007

wait for a love that never dies and you've lost life

i can't believe i missed an entire month of posting! that's insane! and we're already half way through the next month. guh.

so i'm not very excited about christmas this year. i don't have the money to spend on the people i want to buy for, and the people i have to buy for could care less. i'm pissed because that is NOT what it's about anyway, and why do i feel all this pressure?

here's a picture of me and nicole being happy and cute, to make up for my absence. look at my cute shirt! i love this picture of us. below is a picture of me and ron. i love you pretty people! let us drink our pineapple juice as we take over the bar with our sweet music and retarded laughing!

title: cities of night - blaqk audio