Friday, April 2, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
my blog is moving to soup!
you'll like it better there. i do.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
happy new year!
thursday night was livestream night. if you missed it, you can catch parts that managed to upload at
i'm pulling together an etsy and a cafepress, so stay tuned for that.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
i haven't been on here since april? what. i totally missed summer.
i did a lot of work and homethings and family things, and little bit of arting. some were notable enough to get posted to deviantart or such places. i'm sure you noticed that before you bothered to come here, since you know i don't ever update here.
school started for the girls a few weeks ago. the girls? yes, pennigan started kindergarten and we also have a japanese exchange student! her name is nanaho and she is just delightful.
i started a livestream: check it. i'll post somewhere when i go live, maybe twitter or any of my other haunts. in fact, i might even embed it here. yes, let's try that. tell me if you hate it.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
just how it is
we've been busy with everything but work, for once! i was out of town for the week of easter, and upon my return, i had enough time for a night of rest and to repack my luggage. joshua finished his job at the nuclear plant in monroe, michigan, and we took the opportunity to head up north and visit our families. after a few days in naubinway, we trekked back down to grand haven to stay at the harbor house inn. what a delight! we have recently returned home and last night we had a big cookout/party. it's a mess out there now.
pennigan had her fifth birthday last tuesday while we were away. i still don't feel (or act) old enough for this to be possible. i've started teaching her japanese.
joshua is leaving for maryland on monday, for four months of military training in aircraft metals. it's rather exciting and opens a lot of opportunities. i hope i am able to go out east and visit and see some areas that i haven't been to yet.
i have some interesting things growing in my little design world. i hope i have something to reveal soon, but there is still much planning and preparations.
speaking of the arting, i've had a piece featured by shoperella in boston in a blog about deviantart. visit her blog and read the article! every entry is a delight, entertaining with frills, finds and insights.
i have a bit (okay, a lot) more school work to finish up, then i intend to art! busy, me.
title: sleep when i'm dead - the cure
Friday, March 27, 2009
gonna find new priorities
tomorrow is
in your local time zone
shut off your lights
you can do it.
oh, and eat a pb&j while you're at it.
title: down to earth - peter gabriel (wall-e soundtrack)
Monday, March 16, 2009
from years before

it's about 1 o'clock on a monday. i rather like mondays. it's nice out.
i've been productive today. the return of sunlight helps, even though i like to believe that is one of those things that you can overcome, like it's all in your head.
this weekend was spent at the palace of auburn hills, watching my brother win second in the state wrestling finals. he is awesome. i'm a bit proud. okay, a lot proud. it was a good weekend.
a week ago, i became a classic. 25 years.
a little brown package sat happily in my mailbox this morning waiting for me to come gather it and open it up. the perfect little package, from mrs. ott to mrs. ott. i'm tickled by how exactly like me the mug is: i love not camping.
ps. someone remind me to use "but home is nowhere" lyrics next year for my birthday. spanks.
title: love like winter - afi
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
we will be the future
i met innerpartysystem at a show last month. they are fantastic. it was cold, but not as cold as it is today.
kevin is building a big pole barn on the east side of my house, obscuring the pretty view. i'm trying not to be angry about it since it's out of my control. everything yesterday was making me angry. today, i'm sick with a nasty cold.
i started getting into the local vegetarian society. i hope it turns out better than the other community things they have going on around here. it all turns out rather disappointing. i just had a peanut butter sandwich, and you can too! check this out:
i'm taking classes online and i wish i had more homework! i do love school. i'm also teaching a small art class now. i like it. i think i might have finished and posted an art piece or two on deviantart, but i don't know, you better go check it out. i did start a vector last night that kept me up and aggravated my cold.
perhaps i caught cold because joshua and i gave blood this weekend. he's sick too. he's up in saginaw, michigan for work now.
oh, did i tell you we got a dog? his name is velcro and he's everything i could want in a dog. he's a rescue, and a sharpei-black lab mix.
that's all for now. i want to go back to bed instead of up to the studio.
title: this town your grave - innerpartysystem
Monday, January 5, 2009
all you had to do
my intentions are good, but i find myself overwhelmed, stressed and less accomplished than i mean to be. this way, i'll complete a higher percentage of my endeavors expected of me by others.
the holidays were good. spent many a day out of state with both of our families and a crapton of snow. i didn't think about work...too much. i did finish a couple jobs: a show poster and a business card design.

here is pennigan in rollerskates for the first time. she loved it.
lately we've been enjoying lots of boardgames and staying in. we got wii fit for christmas (didn't even ask for it!) and a bunch of other great things. i didn't get the thing i asked for, but i don't blame anybody, since it was a $400 set of artist markers.
HEY. does anyone wear a 7.5 size shoe?
title: kicked it in the sun - built to spill
Friday, November 21, 2008
blinded by a promised word
1. couldn't sleep, still can't.
2. purchased the coolest cure-referencing shirt ever, made by davey havok.
3. everything is white.
4. i enjoy the company of little old ladies, nearly as scatterbrained as i.
5. i'm out of the funk!
i just need time.
title: brought back to life - nekromantix
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
but you're so cute when you're frustrated, dear
as you can see on my site here i have posted yet another davey havok drawing. this one was for a girl who is trading me a drawing of her own. her name is jessi. i am exceedingly jealous of her talent. i cannot wait to see her drawing for me.
i have been working on some projects and hopefully some of them will be wrapping up soon. i lost my last piece of watercolor paper that i cut for hunter for my troubadour tetra set. he's all i have to paint to finish that up. still looking.
picked up another commission outside of my graphics business. this is one i'm excited about.
i may be making a coloring book for pennigan's preschool class. too cute and also exciting.
chad was showing me some usb rechargeable batteries on a website called looking through other things on the site, i found a computer case that looks like a classic nintendo controller. i've been wanting to build a new computer for a while, but this is the first time i've been inspired to consider making my own case and make it a work of art! just bought a new bluetooth mouse on yay.
title: interpol - pda
Thursday, September 11, 2008
you couldn't stop it now
last night i finished my jade portrait for mdot and posted it up on there was instant reaction to it, people adding it to their favorites and commenting, and that sure feels good. i was more amused, however, that immediately after posting when i checked my messages on the site, it timestamped some of the messages as "in the future".
i recently returned from dropping off a clingy pennigan to her school and i have had some time to simply browse the internet. i stumbled upon a fun new website called "the" and i found this neat video filmed in berkely at the nasa science laboratories and animated by art students.
watch it here on vimeo.and a quote for the day: "feeding plants to animals then eating the animals is like filtering water through a sewer then drinking it" - bruce friedrich
title: underwear - pulp
Saturday, August 30, 2008
pay for my crime
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
can you feel it?
i've been busy with this that and the other thing and as much as i'm on the computer, i'm not so much online updating stuffs. i've been trying to more art, both traditional and digital.
i've been working in illustrator a lot more lately, not just for my studio work but now more for myself and art for art's sake. lots of reading and studying. i hope i have something to show for it.
just got done with nearly 12 hours of intense computer repair. *grumbles* i'm ready for some dessert.
title: too long - daft punk
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
can't find the spoon that we once had

i'm not feeling up to par these last couple days. maybe i'm just worn out. too much to do, and as much as i like being away, i just want to be home. i've been doing so well.
i finally got my new monitor up that i bought nearly a month ago, and i still haven't gotten my new sheets onto my bed, and it's been weeks. i just want to sleep in it, that's all!
my shoulder hurts from wii tennis.
title: cibo matto - spoon